Born Magical is a Brown Sugar Fairies Blog Series featuring creatives within the realm of Fae. I'm elated to share a few magical beings with the BSF community whose art, photography, poetry, and beautiful images have made us swoon! This week we welcome Jasmine! I first came across her talents via instagram and was immediately blown away by her transformations. I'm convinced there is nothing she can't do!
Welcome Jasmine!
Tell us who you are, and what you do creatively?

Hello! I'm Jasmine Amazing also known as Gothess Jasmine and I specialize in body art makeup, body paint and temporary tattoos. Fairy Element? Earth! Makeup, body paint and the temporary tattoos I create are all made from the Earth. What’s your favorite flower?
Orchids! Their fragile resiliency is to be admired.

As a fairy do you live by the river, mountains, jungle, fields, or another place?
Mountains! But also near the sea 🖤 When you close your eyes and imagine your wingspan, what type of wings do you have? Dragonfly, Butterfly, Etherial…or other?
Bat Wings of Light! Did you choose your passion, or did it choose you?
I believe my passion chose me. I'd grown up focusing mostly on academia and did not consider art would be my true calling. And now I'll probably not do anything else that isn't art related!

Do you have a favorite fairytale, or book that has inspired you personally?
Actually! A friend of mine that teaches fae magic was sharing amazing stories with me and this one made my day and I've been researching it since! Aziza: Small Fae beings that reside in the anthills and silk cotton trees of West Africa. They are kind to humans and provide wisdom and spiritual knowledge. It is said they taught humans how to use fire. I think this is amazing because I feel like many African descendants are feeling a reconnect to an ancient magic now more than ever! To know there have always been stories and tales of ancient beings granting us magic is all the motivation I need to keep trying to wield it! Do you have a daily ritual that helps keep you grounded?
Yes! I love starting my day by giving thanks to my ancestors, for existing and building the strength and infrastructure that helps me thrive today. I thank my mind and body for carrying me and being my vehicle for this existence. And I thank the Universe itself. For the abundance of experiences and complexity of the creation it observes through my perspective.
For all these things I'm grateful!
Words have power (science has proven it) so I urge everyone to start your day with gratitude for all things. And especially to yourself for making it!

What song do you listen to that will always put you in a good mood?
WOW because that varies from time to time I'd have to say right now my favorite motivational song is Goddess Code by Lizzy Jeff. Heals me a little more every time I hear it. I have to say that I am a huge fan of your work. You are incredibly talented and have the gift of transformation. How did you get started?
Thank you so much! Well, I'd say it was a really slow progression of experiments and amazing siblings, friends and eventually clients! Now I am proud to say I own a growing body art and entertainment business called Amazing Aeffects in Austin TX!

Is there anything you would like the community to know about your business?
Upcoming events that you want folks to look out for?
Yes, Amazing Aeffects is organizing Oya Con, a virtual convention dedicated to uplifting and connecting BIPOC entrepreneurs, leaders and artists in Austin TX! It's June 10-13 on Twitch.tv/GOTHESSJASMINE

How can our community find you?
Linktr.ee/JasmineAmazing IG: @gothess.jasmine FB: @gothess.jasmine Twitter: @gothessjasmine